July 2023

Message from the Chief Principal
THINK International Kindergarten is celebrating its 30th anniversary next year. Since the beginning we have proudly strived to provide, and have grown to be renowned for, a place of quality education environment for fostering children’s trilingual capabilities. Each year, graduates move on to primary schools equipped with fluency in three languages, and they do so with native-like abilities that enable them to become highflyers in whichever primary schools they choose to study.
Nevertheless, as a professional educational institution it is within our realm of responsibility to reflect on and critically examine our practice on a regular and ongoing basis. In the past years, THINK has gone through revolutionary ideas that were followed by other kindergartens; seeing that, it has led us to move up our practice to question how we can do even better subsequently. We make reference to successful programs in local and overseas early years education programs, and we draw upon strategies to enable our children to become even more remarkable, thereby becoming more presentable and competitive in this ever growing world.
In the upcoming school year, the following programs will be added into our whole-day class schedule with the aim to enrich our existing practice (for details, please approach the school office for the timetable for the whole-day program). Currently, the children in the whole-day class engage in project learning which arouse their curiosity, make inquiries, discover, and present and express their learning; it is an effective learning approach, be it in Chinese or English. Thus, with the following additional programs, the children will have even more value-added.
All of the following program contents will be inclusive for children in the whole-day program. For children in the half-day program, they can access the learning on a program-by-program basis.
Learn to be a Brilliant MC
Advance Practical Chinese for K2 and K3 Children
Logical and Critical Thinking Skills Class
Trinity English Program - Children can take the Trinity Graded Examinations in Spoken English (GESE) and obtain certification.
GAPSK Program - This is a graded PTH training program. Children can attend an examination to obtain certification.
Note: #4 & 5 are highly renowned programs and their certificates are highly regarded by primary schools in Hong Kong. Parents may wish to take advantage of these programs when making applications to primary schools.
We hope our new initiatives will create a valuable experience for our children in achieving even more positive results. We will continuously upgrade and improve our practice and we look forward to engaging with you and your family in the year to come.
Lily Choy
Chief Principal
Campus Activities
Sharing Corner

Campus Activities
Laguna City Campus
Ma On Shan Campus
Mei Foo Campus
Nam Cheong Campus
Primary One Allocation Results
